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icWGCNA 0.4.0

New Features

Other Changes

icWGCNA 0.3.0

New Features

icWGCNA 0.2.5

New Features

Other Changes

icWGCNA 0.2.4

icWGCNA 0.2.3

New Features

expression_compression() function for converting between gene types (i.e. ENTREZ to Hugo), which many options for compression of duplicate rows.

Other Changes

icWGCNA 0.2.2

icWGCNA 0.2.1

Bug fixes and checking for PC1 > 35% in input expression

icWGCNA returns uncorrected_community_signature instead of full_community_membership and full_community_signature

icWGCNA 0.2.0

New Features

Enrichments Functions
UMAP Plotting

icWGCNA 0.1.1

Released on public Github.

icWGCNA 0.1.0

Initial release to be shared publicly

Bug Fixes

Better panglaoDB variable name matches and error catching (#18)

Downstream functions improvement and error catching


Bug Fixes

Fixed error when genes have 0 standard deviation (#16)


First Version