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Iterate through a list containing membership matrices and construct pairwise networks for every combination, and output them as a symmetric matrix with labeled dimensions. This can be interpreted as an "adjacency" matrix between all of the different metagenes across networks in the input list. The column/row names will take each networks communities' names and concatenate them with the network list names, such that the dimension names are guaranteed to be unique.


construct_rbh_overlap_based(network_membership_list, top_n = 50, memb_cut = 0)



a list containing community membership scores for each network. Where rownames contain unique gene ids and column names are community names


the number of top genes based on membership scores with higher scores indicating stronger membership in a community


membership threshold for stricter thresholding. Only genes with membership score greater the threshold are used


if (FALSE) {
memb_list <- list(
  GSE39582 = GSE39582_icwgcna$community_membership,
  READ = read_icwgcna$community_membership,
  COAD = coad_icwgcna$community_membership
ma <- construct_rbh_overlap_based(memb_list)